Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sailing the Seas

We just got started but already we are at the end. We wish you success in your interdisciplinary journey and want to share a few tips before you set sail on the interdisciplinary sea. 

This class will likely be the only class that you study the methods of interdisciplinary scholastics until you reach capstone. That means you need to do your own cognitive integration of your subject areas. 

Try to enrich your experience by becoming involved in a community at UCF. One way is to attend lectures put on by the Office of Global Perspectives. These can be enlightening on so many levels and may awaken a passion in you that you may otherwise have missed.  

Work on your e-Portfolio throughout your academic career, reflecting on what you have accomplished and what you still need to accomplish while at UCF. It will be a much richer product if you dedicate a little extra time to it between semesters.

You’ll have an Interdisciplinary Research Project in Capstone, which is a course that’s at least as demanding as Cornerstone. Study the methods of interdisciplinary research now, and you might be more prepared at the end. (Believe us, it’s extensive). Here’s a link to our Interdisciplinary Research Project textbook’s online study guide:

We hate good-bye so we’ll just say good luck!

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